ISOMove® Series

ISOMove® Series

The construction of a cleanroom requires very high costs of building, validation, and installation, as well as the presence of a large area necessary for the building of the facility. The IsoMove cleanroom equipped with an isolator for advanced therapies represents a vast simplification, allowing institutions or companies to have a manufacturing area for advanced therapies totally usable in a single step. IsoFast is part of the “One Step Point of Care” project, the innovative Closed System cleanrooms designed by BioAir in collaboration with Mangini Healthcare.

BioAir’s “One Step Point of Care” isolators solutions represent the answer to the need to have available in a short time, and at a low cost, a cleanroom furnished with an isolator and all the necessary equipment able to operate in aseptic conditions, as required by European Guidelines for GMP-compliant manufacturing.

IsoMove is the innovative “One Step Point of Care” mobile cleanroom developed by BioAir, allowing a rapid and low-cost installation of a GMP-compliant area of manufacturing in a 40’ container.

The innovative design of the IsoMove cleanroom allows the presence, in a standard 40’ container, of a changing and storage room, connected to a Grade D cleanroom. The cleanroom is equipped with BioAir’s ISOCellPRO® ATMP isolator. The closed system technology has made it possible to compact the entire cleanroom and changing room inside a full-size container; this allows easy and quick transport from one hospital to another.

IsoMove, “One Step Point of Care” BioAir Isolator, does not require external accessory structures or the construction of ad-hoc systems; once connected to the main utilities required it is able to operate independently.

One Step Point of Care IsoMove is the result or a synergistic collaboration between BioAir and Mangini Healthcare, a company with over 60 years of presence in the market.

Mangini* Healthcare designs, produces and installs partitions and false ceilings for cleanroom, laboratories, operating rooms, intensive care units, coronary care units, specialized hospitalizations and modular hospital.




Closed Systems vs Open Systems: Operational cost savings*

Total Saving





* Values are given for an identical production output

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