This series of Interview videos was created in collaboration with experts at the international level in Advanced Therapies and Life Science, which seeks to increase public awareness about manufacturing in CELLand Gene therapies and the resulting technological innovation advancements.
Fiorella Altruda is the SITE MANAGER of the cell factory of the Molecular Biotechnology Center in Turin. In this amazing interview, we take stock of the state of the art of advanced therapies (ATMPs). From this concrete experience we discover how the medicine of the future was born from research. Finally, we understand how technological innovation from a sustainability perspective allows us to support a complex sector such as that of ATMPs.
In the interview you can perceive the passion and the commitment of Prof. Silengo who describe the issues, opportunities and difficulties he managed in the design and construction of the MBC, from the definitions of what was considered a sufficient accommodation, the definition of minimum level of adaptability & Flexibility, the difficulties of managing complex requirements, the always present topic of Energy Efficiency & Management and the relation with sustainability and environmental friendly solutions or mutual growth linked to indoor climate control.
Here is a short interview with dr Ander Izeta the Director of Advanced Therapies Unit at OSI Donostialdea - Donostia University Hospital (Donostia-San Sebastian), a reference unit in CAR-T cell therapies for the Basque region and president of the SETGyC.